Saturday, March 19, 2011


Applications with high and transfer budget cuts looming on the horizon, and the University of California at San Diego is to raise the threshold on the program are guaranteed admission to students of the College community of the state.
For years, college students who have taken specific courses and earned a 3.0 grade point average can be relied upon to accept in the context of a program called the transfer admission guarantee, or a mark.
But faced with the increasing demand and limited capacity, officials told the University of California San Diego in recent weeks, community college officials at the state level to ensure that the acceptance in 2012 and beyond Talal students will earn GPAs of 3.5 or better.
Said Mae Brown, assistant deputy director of the university and director of admissions at the University of California San Diego, which has grown applications, the mark of 443 by five years to 8715 to accept the autumn of this year.
"We have seen rapid growth in applications Talal - and this is the guarantee - and the case is clear is that we do not have the ability," said Brown. "Given the serious situation in the budget, and the university (at the state level) with a reduced budget of $ 500 million or more, if we are to ensure that, we should ensure that acceptance to prepare better."
Program began the University of California San Diego in the early 1980s included only schools for two years in San Diego and Imperial counties. Later, he entered the University of California, San Diego agreements with 33 countries in all parts of the college. Since 2009, the United States offered this program to all 112 community colleges and California.
Brown said applications rose significantly to a large extent due to the 2011 to a new process based on the computer that make it easy for students Talal apply to multiple campuses. However, she said that the trend weighing capacity is already on campus.
And the University's decision to pay a sharp response from officials in the South West College, which serves mostly minority populations in the South Bay.
"We are very concerned," said Angelica Suarez, Vice President for Student Affairs at the Faculty of one neighborhood. "It's about access to our students. This is going to narrow and reduce the number of students who can go to the University of California San Diego."
Said Suarez, Jaime Salazar, coordinator of the South West Transfer Center and the decision of the University of California San Diego, and directly contradicts the University's policies, which calls for the removal of barriers for students from traditionally underrepresented groups.
"They always give us lip service," said Salazar. "They say they are committed to diversity, but it's all lip service. It's all about being Ivy League West, and serve the elite."
And refused to Brown, who recently met on this issue with representatives from all six community college districts in San Diego and Imperial counties, the idea that the change is inconsistent with the goals of diversity at the university. She said that when the implementation of the program mark in the early 1980s - and then only available to local colleges for a period of two years - was supposed to increase conversions, and low community colleges.
"It has nothing to do with minorities and underrepresented," she said.
Brown noted that the University of California San Diego Community College will continue to trail through the mark and the transfer is not guaranteed.
"Because the community colleges and the racially diverse, you can automatically capture more accepting of diversity whenever such transfers," she said.
Nine undergraduate campuses of the University of California, and seven and the crown of the programs. University of California, Berkeley does not offer guaranteed transfer admission to community college students.
Nick Serrano, a college student southwest of a government employee, did not agree with Brown's claim that the decision to a neutral in its impact on minorities.
"The change from 3.0 to 3.5 large," said Serrano. "To a lot of our students and this is discrimination because of minority students do not tend to be lower GPAs".
He added that many of the University of Southern California Western eligible students can not really consider other universities in the system because they can not afford the cost of living away from home.
"It's a question of access," said Serrano. "It will challenge many of our students, who can not only local, from going to the University of California San Diego."
Accepted the University of California San Diego students Talal 25 of the South West in 2008.46 in 2009 and 66 in 2010. Has received 152 requests for a sign of autumn this year.
Brown said that based on data 2010, the estimated threshold of 3.5 will reduce the applicant pool by about 50 percent.
Officials in other local community colleges are not as distressed by the decision the University of California San Diego, like their counterparts in the South West.
"I agree that it's a big leap (3,0 up to 3,5,)" said Lynn Neault, Vice Chancellor for Student Services for San Diego County Community College. "With the increasing demand for higher education, and they've got to manage budgets and enrollment management as we do.
"What we need to do is to make clear to our students from the beginning that they need to get high average grades because they can."
Neault is estimated that the high rate will disqualify about 45 percent of the applicants Talal her area.
I have asked the South West College officials and others from the University of California San Diego to amend its decision. They pointed out that students already in the program are exempt in 2012, 3.0 for admission.
Other suggestions include the preservation of the threshold of 3.0 in San Diego County Imperial Waltalab while raising it for others. Another is that the lifting of the level of 3.2 only.
Brown said that the decision has already been adopted by the faculty admissions committee. But the question of those in the pipeline, at least, is open to discussion.

We have met with the heads of community college vice," said Brown. "We've talked about ways to accommodate students in this connection.

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